Saturday, November 8, 2014

NICU Day 48

Baby Girl turned 32 weeks today. In honor of this momentous event the doctor decided to shift her from CPAP to High Flow Oxygen.  The Respiratory Therapist came in while I was holding her and asked if I wanted it shifted now, or if I wanted to wait until after I was done holding her.  I opted to have her off CPAP while I held her.  This worked out very well.  We cuddled for about an hour and a half today and she maintained her sats very well at 23% oxygen.  She removed her nasal cannula several times.  I noticed because she occluded it with her nose, otherwise, I wouldn't have, her sats did not waver when she removed them.  This seems like a pretty good sign.  She did have one Brady while I was holding her.  If I drift toward sleep, she sometimes tries to sneak down for a drink, even though she's really not ready for that.  When she wriggles down, she ends up in a bad position and it causes her to desat/brady. Not a fun way to wake up.

We did start talking about practice breastfeeding and actual breastfeeding today.  When Baby Girl gets down to 1 liter on her oxygen, we can begin practice breastfeeding.  If she doesn't achieve that before 34 weeks, at 34 weeks we can start trying to breastfeed for nutrition.  Lactation will be supporting us through this endeavor.

In other news, C4 (finally picked a real nick name for him) is on week 3 of potty training himself. He has a couple of accidents during the week, but usually does a pretty good job getting to the potty.  I'm glad he decided he was ready for underwear.  We haven't had the same luck with poop as we had with pee, he'd pretty much gone in his pants every time... until today.  Early this afternoon, he walked up to The Husband and said "come see what I did".  Then, The Husband called me to come see what C4 did... he finally pooped in the potty!  No idea if this will last, but he figured it out this time and he was VERY proud of himself!

Weight: 1620 grams -10 grams (3lbs 9oz) - had a Huge, Huge, Huge diaper just before weigh in
Milk: 1182 (39.4 oz)
Feeds: 27 ml fortified to 24 calories pushed over 30 min, 1 ml protein x 8/day (every feeding)
Iron supplement 1 ml
Tri-Vi-Sol .5 ml twice a day
Hi Flow, 21%-30% oxygen, 2 liters
Day Nurse: Corree
Night Nurse: Sherrie


  1. YAY C4!!!

    And yay baby! :-)

  2. You know you are a mom when you proudly talk about poop!

  3. I once took a pic of the poop to send to dad because we were so proud! Poop in the potty is good!
