Saturday, December 13, 2014

NICU Day 83 - And We're out of here!

Baby Girl only gained 5 grams yesterday.  I was prepared for some concern, however, Dr. Caldwell seemed quite happy overall.  She asked if we'd be comfortable going home today.  She told me it was up to us whether we stayed or left.  Going home today meant we needed to go home on a monitor.  I gladly accepted and at 5:00 this afternoon, Transportation Services wheeled Baby Girl and I out the doors of the hospital!  We don't have a bucket car seat, so I put her in a ring sling and wore her out of the hospital.  I am bummed I didn't think to get a picture!  We had a nerve wracking car ride home. I spent the entire journey staring intently at her mouth trying to decide if she was getting dusky.

Baby Girl was a bit chilled when she got home. We warmed her up with receiving blankets we put in the dryer and lots of skin to skin time.  It was pretty scary for me.  I miss hats.  They seemed like they did a good job of helping baby stay warm.

We talked to OT before we left and decided we're going to give her a pacifier at home.  She has a pretty deep groove in the roof of her mouth and a binky will help her flatten that out.