Friday, October 28, 2022

State Amendment HCR 5014

I know the political discussions can be stressful and exhausting, but it is so, so important that we talk through modifying the underlying foundation of our state government. This post covers the change to legislative powers found in amendment HCR 5014

TL;DR: HCR 5014 Modifies the checks and balances that prevent power imbalances in government. Vote No to maintain the current system of checks and balances. 

 Details: In the November election, we'll be asked to approve or reject 2 amendments to the state constitution. In this post, I want to talk about HCR 5014. This amendment would effectively give the legislature a line item veto by simple majority over every rule, regulation, and action, in whole or in part, taken by all parts of the executive branch with no legal recourse through the courts. 

 This effectively means they could negotiate with members of the legislature in order to get a 2/3 majority, then they can use a simple majority to reverse the implementation of whatever compromise they agreed to. They will have the ability to rewrite or negate rules and regulations in pieces, so they can pick and choose what laws are executed and the means by which they execute. 

 Effectively, they gain unchecked power over the implementation of law. This reversal of the separation of powers would remove incentive to compromise and moderate, which is crucial to a stable government. 

 To be clear: This amendment doesn't repeal regulation and cut burdensome red tape. It gives the legislature _POWER_ in order to control whether the laws they pass are actually implemented, and how the executive branch functions. 

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