Wednesday, December 3, 2014

NICU Day 74

Baby Girl didn't gain weight tonight.  There's a lot of pressure for her to gain, they may decide she can't breastfeed, which will make me very sad.  This part is really hard, I'm hoping she outgrows it.  We'll see what the doctors say tomorrow. They have her taking 3 bottle feedings, I'm going to push back against that, it seems that is taking away from the opportunities to breastfeed and decreasing the chances we'll be able to successfully breastfeed vs bottlefeed.

Weight: 2415 grams no change (5 lbs 5 oz)
Milk: 107 (40.5 oz)
Feeds: 52 ml 6 unfortified, 2 fortified to 24 calories pushed over 30 min
Nursed: 2.5 nursing session out of 2 total attempts
Tri-Vi-Sol .5 ml
Day Nurse: Rhonda
Night Nurse: Melissa

1 comment:

  1. Have you thought about trying an SNS so she's still nursing but also getting the extra calories she needs right now?
