Saturday, November 15, 2014

NICU Day 55

Husband and I went to see Baby Girl together today.  C4 stayed with Mimi and Papa, I'm sure he's having a blast.  While we were at the hospital, I gave Baby Girl a massage and then she cuddled with her daddy for over an hour.

Her respiratory rate was a little high today, so they didn't wean her down further on her CPAP.  Maybe she'll have settled by tomorrow, we'll have to see.

She did gain quite a bit of weight today (3.3 oz).  I expressed some concern, but her nurse assured me it isn't a totally worrisome weight gain.  She said she didn't look super puffy, she just looked like a bit of a chunk.  She got some oral stim with her 8:30 feeding (drops of breastmilk around her binky) and she loved it.  Her nurse and I agreed she'd probably be quite the eater once she's set free.

Weight: 1920 grams +100 grams (4lbs 5 oz)
Milk: 1210 (40.33 oz)
Feeds: 34 ml fortified to 24 calories pushed over 30 min,
1 ml protein x 8/day (every feeding)
Iron supplement 1 ml
Tri-Vi-Sol .5 ml twice a day
CPAP 21% oxygen, PEEP 4
Day Nurse: Michelle
Night Nurse: Stephanie