When we arrived at the hospital at 10:30 this morning I was pretty calm... We ran into Dr Marx on the way to first floor preop. He grabbed a room and pulled us in to tell us we got bumped by a 4 month old needing emergency heart surgery. Our thoughts and prayers are with that family. We went back to cardiac preop and got new instructions for when C had to stop eating. We redid the chlorhexidine skin prep sponge bath that makes C scream and we are settling down for another semi-anxious night. I really want to scream.
Also, C has coughed several times tonight. I am very concerned that he caught another upper respiratory infection. Since he often gets reactive airway issues, I find it very concerning.
We head back to the hospital tomorrow morning, we are to arrive at 6 am.
Thinking of you all today.Praying it all goes smoothly.