Education is the foundation of solid economic policy. It is not a social program, though it is treated as one in the United States. Countries that emphasize creating a skilled workforce have a more agile, better performing economy. Kansas is on track to gut our entire education program. These policies threaten our state for generations to come.
Yesterday's vote to defund Parents as Teachers is yet another example of Kansas's short sighted devaulation of education. The Parents as Teachers program provides invaluable community outreach helping to ensure the academic success of at risk populations. The program is a vital part of the safety net that ensures a strong foundation for our future generations. Infant and Toddler Services and the Early Childhood Special Education programs help mitigate long term costs of providing a Free and Appropriate Public Education.
An overall value on education with an innovative and appropriately funded public education program will ensure a robust, versatile and flexible workforce that will do more to lure businesses to our state than any tax incentive we can offer.
Our Governer and respected Representatives need to reconsider their education policies in light of all the studies that show funding education pays an overall net gain in our economic future. Kansas is on a dangerous path of income inequality and injustice.